310 Santa Fe Drive, Suite 112 Encinitas, CA 92024
Tel: 760-690-3133

What is PRP?
Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is an "autologous blood therapy" that uses a patient's own blood components to stimulate a healing response in damaged tissues. In response to an injury or tissue damage, your body naturally recruits platelets and white blood cells from the blood to initiate a healing response. Under normal conditions, platelets store numerous growth factors that are released in response to signals from the injured tissue. Modern technology allows us to concentrate platelets and white blood cells from your blood, and induce this growth factor release as we inject the solution directly into injured tissue, simulating this same healing response in a more powerful form. By enhancing the body's natural healing capacity, the treatment may lead to a more rapid, more efficient, and more thorough restoration of the tissue to a healthy state.
What is BMAC?
It is well established that a significant population of our bodies' stem cells are contained within our bone marrow. By harvesting blood and tissue from the bone marrow space of the hip, an injectable product can be produced by concentrating platelets and cells withdrawn through a needle aspiration procedure. BMAC contains all of the growth and healing factors in PRP, along with concentrated "pluripotent" or stem-like cells which further contribute to the regenerative process.
What is the treatment like?
Following a formal evaluation and diagnostic workup, an individualized treatment plan will be discussed with you. A full explanation of the procedure including risks and benefits will be reviewed. Once written consent is obtained, blood is drawn from your arm or from a bone marrow aspiration in your hip region, and placed in a special processing unit, which separates platelets, white blood cells and serum from red blood cells. The platelets and white blood cells (including stem cells) are then concentrated and collected into a sterile syringe. This is then injected into the tissue targeted for treatment.
Are PRP and BMAC injections safe?
Research and clinical data show that PRP and BMAC injections are extremely safe, with minimal risk for any adverse reaction or complication. Because the injectable products are produced from your own blood, there is no concern for rejection or disease transmission. There is a small risk of infection from any injection into the body, but this is rare.
Please contact our office at 760-690-3133 to see if your orthopaedic issue can be treated with PRP or BMAC.